Alf berÀttar om hur promenadscootern förÀndrat hans liv

Alf talks about how the walking scooter changed his life

"My Eloped gives me more freedom"

Do you want to be able to go where you want, when you want, and at the same time travel emission-free on both footpaths and cycle paths without requiring a driver's license? Then an Eloped might be right for you.

Today, there are many people who live limited lives for various reasons. It could be that you do not have a driver's license or that it is difficult to walk long distances. But with a walking scooter from Swedish Eloped, it is possible to get around easier than ever. With it, it's easy to go shopping, enjoy wonderful excursions or go out on long dog walks.

With an Eloped, life becomes easier, more fun and perhaps above all, freer. Alf Jönsson can sign it. One of the reasons why Alf bought an Eloped was because he has a little difficulty walking and gets tired easily.

- When I saw Eloped, I challenged myself a bit and took the chance to buy one.

Greater freedom in everyday life

He is very happy that it was a purchase. It has given him much greater freedom as he has an easier time getting around and can thus see much more.

- It's also nice that I can stay by myself and photograph or film when I want.

Alf can drive close to 10 miles with his Eloped as he has two batteries, which gives extra freedom.

- However, I usually drive it down to the store to shop. You can also use it inside the store, which is nice. I also usually drive it when I'm going to a larger community or similar.

We ask if he uses it year round.

- Yes, I plan to use it all year round because it is so easy to go to the store and so with it. If it's cold outside, you just have to dress a little more.

More social life

He says that nowadays he often meets other people who want to stay and talk.

- My social situation has generally improved since I bought my Eloped. It has become much nicer and more wonderful!

Many of the people Alf meets are curious about the Elopeden and ask questions about it. Several have also told us that they themselves are thinking about buying one.

- Then I recommend them an Eloped because of the good service and good customer reception, and that you can get service all over Sweden.

The choice fell on an Eloped Elite X Lithium

Alf has the four-wheel model Eloped Elite X Lithium.

- I always wanted an Eloped with four wheels and not three, so this one suited me perfectly.

Alf found us after seeing various ads, and a big reason why it ended up being a purchase had a lot to do with the service range.

- It is very easy to get in touch with Eloped if I need help. In addition, it is Swedish service that can be obtained regardless of where in the country you live, and you can buy it in many cities or order it at home.

Last but not least, we ask Alf what he thinks is the very best thing about his walking scooter.

- It's that I sit stable, and get more freedom, and that I can get anywhere and it's easy to park wherever I want.