Knowledge & Inspiration

Welcome to our site for knowledge and inspiration in walking scooters, electric mopeds, electric moped cars and everything related. We strive to give our customers a deeper understanding of our products and answer your questions as well as inspire new adventures! From guides on how to choose the right model to tips on maintenance and safety, our posts are here to help you take the perfect step towards a smoother and more enjoyable way to get around. Explore our posts and learn more about our amazing electric vehicles!

Batteriskola - SĂ„ tar du hand om dina batterier

Battery school - How to take care of your batteries

Learn more about how to take care of the mobility scooter batteries in the best way to increase the life and maintain the capacity in the best way.

Alf berÀttar om hur promenadscootern förÀndrat hans liv

Alf talks about how the walking scooter changed his life

We have met Alf to hear more about how his life changed after he bought his walking scooter Eloped Elite X. Read more about how he gained more freedom in everyday life with Eloped.

6 Viktiga tips för att vÀlja rÀtt Promenadscooter

6 Important tips for choosing the right Promenadscooter

The right walking scooter can make a big difference to your everyday life, but it's not always easy to choose the right one. Let us guide you through the process!

Trafikregler för Promenadscooter 2024

Traffic rules for Promenadscooter 2024

In order to drive a mobility scooter safely and legally, it is important to understand the traffic rules that apply in 2024. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the regulations and ensure you are using your mobility scooter correctly.

Ett friare liv med körkortsfri Elmopedbil

A freer life with a license-free electric moped

With an electric moped car from Eloped, life becomes easier, more fun and perhaps above all, freer - without the need for a driver's license. Roland MĂ„nsson can sign it, read more about how the electric moped changed his life.

Ingrid och Per-Olov berÀttar hur promenadscootern förenklar deras liv

Ingrid and Per-Olov tell how the walking scooter simplifies their lives

With a walking scooter, life becomes easier, more fun and perhaps above all - freer. Here, Ingrid Forsberg and Per-Olov Karlinder tell how Eloped simplifies and brightens their lives.

Jans dröm blev uppfylld

Jan's dream was fulfilled

Together with Hoptimisten's Fundraising Foundation, we had the honor of handing over an Eloped to Jan, who lost his aid from the region.