Ingrid och Per-Olov berÀttar hur promenadscootern förenklar deras liv

Ingrid and Per-Olov tell how the walking scooter simplifies their lives

With an Eloped, life becomes easier, more fun and perhaps above all - freer. Here, Ingrid Forsberg and Per-Olov Karlinder tell how the Eloped walking scooter simplifies and brightens their lives.

Today, many limit their lives for various reasons, perhaps because they find it difficult to walk long distances or because they can no longer drive, or lack a driver's license altogether. With an Eloped walking scooter, you can get around both easily and smoothly and thus be able to shop, go on wonderful excursions or take the dog for a long walk.

Social and long dog walks

One of many satisfied customers is Ingrid. She has an energetic dog that likes to go for long walks, but since Ingrid has a knee injury, she has a hard time with that. She has tried cycling to get in longer rounds, but after the dog accidentally knocked her over once, she looked for new options. When her daughter, who has MS, bought an Eloped, Ingrid realized it would suit her too.

- I first bought a City, but it didn't suit my needs completely, so I switched to an Elite. Now my daughter and I go for two laps together every day, which is great fun while the dog gets his walks.

Ingrid bought her Eloped Elite Sport from a dealer nearby, and finds it safe to know that Eloped can provide service quickly and easily, no matter where you live. So far, however, she has only needed help with a puncture.

- I have driven in and had it fixed pretty much in one go, there have been no waiting times, she says. Charging is also no problem, as it can be done at home in a regular outlet.

- I have a cord I pulled out to where the Elopeden is, so I can charge. Both me and my daughter each have a maintenance charger, she explains.

Ingrid usually takes her Eloped when she goes for a walk with the dog and when she has to empty the bins. The furthest she has traveled is kilometers home.

- Then the poor dog has to run along the whole way, she says and laughs. But she goes up on the footplate when she gets tired. Sometimes she would rather sit there than walk next to it.

The possibility of giving the dog long walks is one of the main advantages of buying the Elopeden.

- It feels so good to get out with the dog despite my knee injury. It is also nice to be able to pack all the necessary things in the packing box. Then the color is also nice, she says and concludes:
- What else can I say? It is just wonderful.

Make it easier to get out

Another satisfied owner of an Eloped is Per-Olov Karlinder. The reason he chose to get one was mainly his age, as he turns 95 this year.

- Before I cycled a lot, but a year ago it started to feel a bit wobbly. I also had a car, but I know that there will come a time when you can't see as well and then it's better to stop before something happens. But you have to have something to move with, explains Per-Olov.

He started looking around for alternatives and found Eloped.

- After getting to test drive a three-wheeled model and a four-wheeled one, I decided on the latter in the Eloped Quattro model. I have rarely been so satisfied with a purchase and have had a lot of use from my Eloped, he says.

He himself often uses it to get out and pursue one of his main interests, namely photography and film.

- I use my Eloped to get going and film. Among other things, have driven around Malmö and out to the harbor to look at and photograph boats. I myself have owned a boat before, he explains and continues:
- Then I also go shopping, and a clear advantage is that I can drive the Elopeden in the store. More advantages are that it is comfortable, has good visibility with the lights on, that it is maintenance-free and, not least, easy to drive.

When we interviewed Per-Olov, he also got to test the Eloped Quattro Sport, the latest version of his Eloped, which he was very impressed with.